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feature a fixed payback schedule that helps in budget planning.
a variable-payment solution, accommodates temporary revenue dips.
3 minute read
November 12, 2024
Holiday shopping is on the upswing, and expected to continue that trend: End-of-year sales in 2023 rose 3.8 percent over 2022 receipts to $964.4 billion, according to U.S. Census Bureau data compiled by the National...
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4 minute read
November 5, 2024
Do you need a loan? You're not alone. In their quest to grow, small businesses borrow more than $100 billion per year. And you can be among them — if you make a clear case...
October 29, 2024
Warren Buffett once said, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it." When you take the speed and global range of the internet into account, his assertion rings truer...
October 22, 2024
Audits are an essential part of the federal taxation process — and with good reason. In-person field audits and audits managed by mail are responsible for recovering billions in unpaid taxes. In fiscal year 2023...
6 minute read
October 15, 2024
Credit cards are one of the most popular forms of business credit. But they can't always address your firm's needs. When times are tough, a business line of credit can help you to make payroll,...
October 8, 2024
Without determining the likely risk of providing financing to potential small business borrowers, lenders can't make informed decisions about which loan applications to approve. They also need the same vital information to decide on funding...
5 minute read
October 1, 2024
While Marcy is shopping for flowerpots at her local big-box store, an email comes in on her phone: "Congrats! You now have 300 points to spend in your Happy Valley Nursery Loyal Customer account!" So...
September 24, 2024
When you provide goods or services, you get paid. That's revenue. But when you get paid before you actually provide the goods or services, you're collecting unearned revenue. And there's nothing wrong with that: Many...
September 19, 2024
Congratulations! Your first cupcake shop has been a huge success. (Especially the red-velvet cheesecake recipe.) Now you're ready to branch out and share your success with a new set of hungry customers. But whether you're...
Are businesses turning a corner in 2025? It certainly looks like it
Nine Women Share their Takes on More Enlightened Entrepreneurship
Fora Financial Announces Leadership Changes, Appoints Company Veterans to COO and CMO Roles
Funding Amount: $775,000
Industry: Commercial & Residential Electric
Use of Funds: Personnel and Equipment Upgrades
Funding Amount: $2,000,000
Industry: Construction
Use of Funds: Bridge funding
Funding Amount: $700,000
Approval Amount: $1.1 Million
Industry: Technology / Data Services
Use of Funds: Cash Flow Liquidity
Funding Amount: $1 Million
Approval Amount: $1.2 Million
Industry: Telecommunications
Use of Funds: Expansion
Initial Funding Amount: $750,000
Add-on Opportunity: $450,000
Industry: Manufacturing
Use of Funds: Financial Stability, Growth
Funding Amount: $300,000
Approval Amount: $450,000
Industry: Manufacturing / Automation
Use of Funds: Working capital